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Cataract Surgery

Among the most common symptoms that appear due to cataracts are:

  • Cloudy or blurred vision

  • Colors are washed out

  • Multiple images or double vision

We have cutting-edge laser ophthalmology of international level in Monterrey.

Visit us and we will gladly evaluate if you are a candidate for surgery.

Why to choose Dr. Jesús Lozano?


Expert in refractive ophthalmic surgery and in complex cases, premium cataract surgery.


Director of Concept Vision Care.


Premium location and the newest technology equipment worldwide.


First generation place of medicine


Professor of Ophthalmology, for physicians in

social service.

Operacion de Cataratas | Operacion Laser Ojos

Don't wait any longer to change your vision and your life! Schedule your appointment today

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Cirugía de Cataratas

Cirugía de Cataratas


Senior Woman


“Gracias a mi cirugía de cataratas en Monterrey, mi vida a dado un giro de 360 grados! Gracias al Oftalmólogo Jesús Lozano y a todo su equipo. 


—  Orfelinda Salinas, Paciente de Cataratas

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